Wedmore Genealogy Pages


F.19 March 6, 1685/6 Mr. Milkins of Compton sent for me to visit his wife being sick in ye measels. Left her a medicine. 1..6. For ye visit 10s. Went to visit Mrs. Grace Bidersy and then Mrs. Milken paid me tenn shillings. I think she ment for all.

The name Bidersy is from "by the sea." Compare Budeput, Wed. Chron: 1, p. 134)

F. 19. March 7, 1685/6 John Gibbet of Westhay sent for Med: for a bruse. debtor 1..6.

Meare folk were always getting bruises.

F. 20 b. April 9, 1686. William Tutton of Theale came for me to visit his sister having scalld her foot. I went & drest it. Went again ye 10th, 11th, 13th, 16th.. Went again and then it was whole. Received for ye cure in full, Tenn Shillings.

F. 22. April 26, 1686. John Trubbe of Mark sent by his brother William to desier me to visit him being sick in a fever. I went and left him a narcotic unge to annoint his temple. Hee was exceeding light headed. His brother William promised me payment for ye unge arid visit 2..6.

F. 23 b. May 24, 1686. Richard Hitchen of Allerton sent Thomas Hach and George Maishell to desier me to goe to Aisen (Ashton) to visit him being in a quinsey. Went and bloded him, and made him a garle (gargle), & apleyed a plaster. Left unge to anoint his throat.

More visits, more blooding, & more other remedies ran up the bill to £1..3..6.

F. 14. May 24, 1686. Thomas Millard of Bleadney sent John Poolle to desier me to come to him to cure him being in a fever. Went and left him a jullip. For ye visit and jullip 6s. Went again May 26, and then discovered that he was falling distracted. She desired me to use a meanes as soon as I did think conveniant, and she ould give me satisfaction for alle before ye Widow Churchis and Mr. Barnes. Went again May 29.

The charge is 10s. of which 5s. was paid at one time, and the other 5s, afterwards, "when Cozen Iveleafe paid her for ye cowe."

F. 24 b. June 1, 1686. Philip Pamister of Blsckford had a pectoral medicine to be taken a sack glass full mornings and evenings, 2s. And a potte of electuary to be taken mornings and evenings, 3s.

The Parish Registers show us that this sick man's name was Paymaster.

F. 27 b. July 8, 1686. William Marten of Polet desired me to cure him having lost ye use of his leaft hand, being by reason of a pallsey sesing, he tell aslepe and when he awacked his hand was dead.

Then follows the prescription and the charge 6 shillings.

P. 28. July 19, 1686. Under this date is a bill due from Edward Tincknell of Wedmore. The total £3.. 1..6 is made up of miscellaneous items. Lent him £3; different medicines 7s. 6d. making of sider 3s. 10d.; and "Brother Andrew stoped a tooth twice and last drawed him, went 2 times." Fee 2d.

This "brother Andrew" was a younger brother of the Doctors. He appears now and then in the early part of the Journal as helping his brother in a mild sort of way. He was not married or buried here, so I suppose he went off somewhere.

F. 28 b. July 19, 1686. John Roe of Wore (Oare in Wookey?) sent for me to cure him having receaved a wound by a fall from his hoss upon a mowing sith which cut him under ye arm upon the ribs. I stitched a large wound. Went again ye 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29; then went to Bristoll; wee came to an account August 31; Soe then I tould him I ould have 55 shillings, and that should give me satisfaction for all, which he promised to pay me in a short space.

F. 28 b. Aug. 3, 1686. Catherine Lyte that was hath had ye measels and is now very bad. Sent her a decoction of French barley..., and a cordial for ye cure of her paine.

The doctor often remembers women's maiden names while he forgets their husband's names.

P. 31 b. In Sept. and Oct., 1686 he goes to visit Mr. Edward Urch of Mudsley. I imagine that this was at Court Garden. Mr. Urch had to be bloded, the commonest of all remedies at that time, and for some time afterwards. Travelling in Spain a year or two ago we met a very eminent London physician, who told us that when he was a young man 50 years ago in a town in the north of England, it was the regular thing on market day for all the farmers to come in to be bled, though there was no necessity for it. His fee was 6d. Dr. Westover's fee was also 6d.

F. 32 b. April 21. William Haine debtor more for one visit to him at Mark when he was stabd, and for ye cure, 10s.

F. 38 b. Jan. 20, 1686 Thomas Marten of Weare sent for the Doctor to cure him, his head being impostumated. A bill of £1..14..0 is run up. Marten pays him in part, and then the Doctor says "I think she paid me at Mr. Horler's at Wear, so I cross off the rest."

This must be Mr. Jeremy Horler who was appointed to the Vicarage of Wedmore in Cromwell's time, but disappears at the Restoration of Charles II. This mention of him in connection with a Weare man looks as if he retired to Weare. He married the widow of George Hodges of Wedmore, and the Hodges family owned Stream in the parish of Weare. For all I know about Jeremy Horler, see Wedmore Chronicle, Vol. 1, p. 251. But this gives a clue for finding out something more about him.

F. 39 b. Feb. 25, 1686/7 Medicine is sent to John Heiell and Thomas Hobbs, both of Uphill, "to prevent ye smallpox." The exact prescription is given.

F. 44 b. More medicine is sent to Uphill "to prevent the smallpox."

F.41 b. March 25, 1687. Mr. Mose sent for me to cure him having received a fall from his feet down a payer of stayers at Banwell.

Visits and remedies came to £1.

F. 46. June 7, 1687. Charles Stock that liveth with ye widow Tutton of Theal sent for me to visit him by John Raines. I went & found him very badd in a fever and convolsions, not sensable. Sent him by ye Widow Tutten's youngest sun a visicatorey plaster and a small vial of julip for ye fever,

etc., etc. The fee was 4s. 6d. But only 2 days afterwards, June 9, Charles Stocke was buried. And the doctor kindly crosses out the entry, and writes "I doe forgive her ye 4..6."

F. 47 b. March 11,1687. Mr. Whiting of Vole brought his mann to cure having a paine in one side. He will will give me satisfaction for what I doth for him. Toke him .... Also he desiered me to cure Robart Reve of Mark, and he ould give me satisfaction for what I doth for him. I am fully satisfied for the cure of Robart Reves his cure of his ledg.

F.53. Sept. 1687. Rose Hayes of Glastonbury ran up a bill of over £2, and then paid him by instalments. One instalment was "a half a Giney of Goold."

F. 54. 1687, 1688. The Kelson family, who once lived in the old house in Plood Street, now owned by Mr. Henry Porter, and from whom the road close by is still called Kelson's Lane, had left Wedmore some 30 years or so, I think, before this, and were now living at Bristol. I think at this time Mathew Barrow had the house in Plood Street. But though at Bristol, they send to Dr. Westover for medicine. In October, 1687, and at other times, Mrs. Elinor Kelson has a potion sent to her "for Mellencholey." Sometimes it is sent by John Nuttey, sometimes by Joan Nuttey. Once it is sent "by Thomas Joanes of Bristol ye puterar." The Melancholey is a complaint that the Doctor is very often called upon to prescribe for.

F. 55 b. Dec. 10, 1687. John Thatcher of Hutten hath bin ill this five weack; he hath had a paine in his back and side, and now is wholey in his side; he hath a cough which doth vex him often and doth ougment the paine in his side. I doth judg he bath an impostum; sent him a jullip of ?? Two shillings.

F. 56 b. Jan. 9, 1687/8 "Cozen Barrow" had 3 girdles for the itch. The itch at this was commonest of all complaints among all classes. The remedy was a girdle costing 1s. 6d. He partly paid for them in kind; viz. 3 lbs. 4. oz. of Beeswax at 12d, ye lb.

F. 56 b. Jan. 53, 1687/8. Major Prouse of Compton Bishop sent for me to cure his mann having fracture of ye heape. I went and redused it.

Eleven visits were paid.

F. 59. March 4. 1687/8 Godey Tayler, John Tayler's wife, had for her sun that lives with Cozen George Counsell had a girdell for ye itch and did not pay for him; she gave me some purtatos.

F. 59 b. Feb. 28, 1687/8. Richard Stanley a gypsey bath not been well this eigt years, it come first in his heepe, and now he is pained alle over his body.

Then follow the prescription. This entry is partly made in cypher, but a very simple cypher, the five vowels being represented by the first five numerals. Thus "well" is written 55211.

F. 59 b. March 9, 1687/8. Thomas champion of Stilve sent for me to cure him of St. Antonies fier.

Several more visits and remedies brought up the charge to £2 Stilve often occurs and seems to be somewhere within the parish, but I know not where.

F. 60. July 10, 1688. John Rowley, Walter Westes man, sent his brother Robart for medicines for a bruse that he received out of a wain.

Then follows the remedy-an ointment and "yolow selve." A little later on is added:

John Rowley of Meare, Walter West his man, and I came to an account for ye cure of his arm and visits. I tould him that halfe a pece should give me content. 10s.

F. 68 b. July 16, 1688. William Hillard of Doulten Parish sent for me to cure him having a fracture of his leaft ledg, he broke him by a fall from his horse in Marke More.


Several visits were necessary, and the bill ran up to £4. One wonders what William Hillard of Doulting was doing out in Mark Moor. This is the very year that the Dutch Prince William came over from Holland, landed at Torquay, marched on to Exeter and thence to London, and was accepted by the English people as their King. There are two ways in Mark Moor, one called King's way, and the other Dutch road. And I have already (Vol. 1, p. 255, 288) suggested that possibly one or both of these roads may have got their name from Dutch William. He himself did not come through Mark on his way from Exeter, but possibly some part of his force may have done so. He landed on Nov. 5th. William Willard breaks his leg in July. That is a little too soon for him to have been one of William's force coming up the country. But still there may be some connection between the two events. He may have been one of a force going gaily down to meet him; and when he reached Mark Moor the salt breezes blowing straight from the Bristol Channel may have put so much spirit into his horse that it pranced and danced and kicked its master off. So William Hillard never got to Torquay, but lay cooped up in Mark with a broken leg,

F. 72 b. Sept., 1688. Received of James Popham in full for ye cure of his ledg 2 1/2 lbs. of wax and 2s.

F. 74. Oct. 27, 1688. Cozen Barrow of Wedmore sent for me to blod him in a fever and stich. Went & bloded him, & sent him the same day a julip for ye fever and a plaster for ye stich. 2..6.

F. 75 b. December, 1688, Francis Wilkins his wife of West Harterey (Harptree) is mellencholey and hath bin for this half yeare or more. It came by a frite. She hath a paine in her leaft side which doth run up and down like.

Then follows the remedy and the charge, is. 6d.

F. 76. Dec. 1688. John Pople of Edington sent for me to cure him having a seatick paine in his heape, went and bloded him and leaft him 2 doses of Ext Rudij.

A case of what we should call sciatica.

F. 80. In 1688/9 Mr. Edward Urch of Mudgley Is blooded several times and has several julips and ointments. The Doctor is paid "in Larde and money." Some of the medicine is sent to Mudgley "by George Petheram man or boye." I suppose that George Petheram was of that age that the poet describes as "Hobbledehoy, neither man nor boy."

F. 80 b. March 2, 168/9 Mr. Cox of Langford sent for me to visit a woman that was fallen mad, for which he ould give me satisfaction, so shillings.

F. 82 b. April 8, 1689. Robert Isgar's sune of Vole came to cure having ye naille of his great toe growing into his toe.

F. 85. May 1689. Thomas Hardye at Lidia Stones of Wedmore debtor for julip for surlit sent by William Bal, Whit Saterday 1689. 6s.

This surfeit was probably a result of Whitsuntide revels,

F. 85. June 5th, 1689. John Tilley's wife came to cure. He tould me that ye overseers ould pay me for what I doth for his wife, Cozen Goole, one of ye overseers, asked me what they must pay for ye cure, and I tould him that I ould have but 20 shillings.

The expression "I ould have but 20 shillings" occurs scores of times when the Doctor is asked what his fee is. Whether he really did ask for less than his due, or whether he only deceived himself into thinking that he did, one can't tell.

F. 87. July 1, 1689. William French of Bleadney fractured his right legg. Several visits were paid. "I tould him I ould have but 3 pounds."

F. 92. Dec. 6, 1689. William Pavears sune that lives with ould Colle of Blackford came to me to curc having cut his lcdg with a reepe hooke. Tould him I ould have but 2..6.

F. 92 b. Dec. 1689. William Popham's wife desiered to know what she must pay for her cure. I tould her she should give me what she ould in reason. Its woth (worth) halfe a peace.

But he only got 7 shillings.

F. 93 b. Widow Keene of Meare debtor oyle for ye paine of her yeare. 1s.

F. 94. Thomas Rowley's man debtor for ye cure of his hand and thumbe being shute away. 12 shillings,

F. 94 b. Mr. William Hodges of Wedmore debtor for a bottell of stomackicall water for the childring. Ye bottle was his owne, an oval bottell with small ribs up after him, from ye bottom to ye top he ould hould 2s. woth. 2 shillings.

Then follows the prescription.

F. 94. b. In 1690. Mary Presse of Mark ran up a bill of £3 for the cure of her nose. He was paid a little at a time. At one time he received 2s. 6d; at another time he

"Received a plaine shilling of her, which she promised to change if he will not pas."

This is one of several entries, as we shall see, referring to doubtful money. Sometimes the Doctor refuses to take it, but more often he takes it, with a promise that it shall be taken back again if he cannot pass it. Sometimes the money is called "plain," sometimes "small," sometimes "bad," sometimes "naught"; in one case it is called "woodlan." What is that? I suppose this all refers to clipped money. Speaking of an earlier time than this, Mr. H. Noel Humphreys says, "The avarice of the King (Henry VII) caused much light money to be made during his reign, and many pieces also got clipped, so that there were great complaints. This business was rectified in a rather summary manner, for it was enacted that no person should refuse the king's coin, if good gold and silver, on account of thinness, on pain of imprisonment or death." (Coin Collectors' Manual, p. 446.) And speaking of a time rather later than this Journal, Mr. Humphries says, "In this reign (George II, 1729-1760) the pattern of the milling at the edges of shillings, etc. was slightly changed to prevent falsification, for although the milled edge had put a stop to the old clipping system, filing was now resorted to for robbing the coin; by which means. after a portion of the edge had been removed, the upright or diagonal lines might be restored by the file. To remedy this evil, a serpentine line very difficult to imitate by the file, was adopted about 1740."(p. 489).

Soon after I came to Wedmore the late William Gibbs of Plood Street brought me a silver coin which he found in moving the soil for the building of the new Board School. It was a coin of Charles I. Its size was about the size of a shilling, but its device was the device of a half crown. So I was as much puzzled at first as Isaac was, when one came to him whose voice was Jacob's voice, but the hands were the hands of Esau. Isaac asked no questions, but I did. Showing it to some learned man I was told that it was a clipped coin. The outer circle had been clipped off, leaving only the inner one. But unless one knew what the coin should be like, one could not tell that there had been any clipping. There is no saying but what this very coin may not be one of the light coins referred to in the Doctor's journal.

F. 95. In March, 1689. William Bennet of Mark has several potions and cordials. The Doctor receives 10s. in part payment "at Mark Inn in the Cort." I suppose this means at the Court leet of the Manor.

F. 95. Thomas Mayshell of Draycot his wife is "mellencholey and hipocondraicoll."

F. 96. April 6, 1890. Mary Swayne of Mark was "mallencholey." He agrees to cure her for £3.

20 shillings Gilling her tenant will pay at Mickellmas, 20 more at Crismas, the other 20 she did houp I ould abate her if I had a quicke dispache.

F. 97. April, 1690. Elizabeth Nickolls of Westhay sends him 5s. by a messenger. But it includes

"a bad (?) half crowue, she must change it."

I am not quite certain about the word "bad." It is certainly not "plain," like the shillings. It may be "lat," meaning light.

F. 100 b. July 30, 1690. Richard Champion of Blackford breaks a bone, and sends his brother Edward for the Doctor. The Doctor goes, and receives a

"fether bedd of 50 lbs. waight in part of payment."

F. 101s b. Cozen Simon Smeathes of Crickham his sune is not well, hath had ye smallpox, I went to visit him, but he was dead before I came.

This must be John, buried Aug. 8, 1690, aged 7 years.

F. 102 b. William Bunn's wife owes 8s. for a cure. The Doctor receives part in money

"received more in work in weaving of Blancots, 2s."

His patients often partly worked out their debts.

F. 103 b. Sept. 20, 1690. Cozen Barrow debtor for medicine for ye cure of his sune being bitt with a mad dog. 2s."

Cozen Barrow also had something for himself.

"A plaster for ye paine of his yeare." "One dose of my narcotic." "Oyle to drop into his yeare."

etc., etc. These medicines were entered on the same page as the bite of the mad dog, but were delivered four years later on, in November, 1694. In December, 1694, Matthew Barrow of Wedmore was buried.

F. 119 b. Nov. 9, 1691. William Cox of Mark, sumthing to make a dyat drinke against Thursday next.

F. 123. Dec. 12, 1691. Robert Joanes of Catcot debtor for one potion & Ingredients for a Dyat drinke, delivered at Poppells for him. 5s. 6d.

F. 124 b. Oct. 4, 1691. Gabriell Bulgin of ould wood debtor for ye cure of his toe & for medicine for ye same £1. Hee was in cure about Oct. 4. He promised to pay me at John Dyars shoop when I went to new leather ye poumpe, Oct. 2, 1696, before younge John Dyar, whom desired to remember it.

The second part of this entry is made five years after the first part, as both the context and the handwriting show.

About a month ago the pump in my garden got out of order, and I was told that it wanted to be new leathered. If it had not been for that I don't think that I should have been able to make out this entry. The writing is not always easy to read when you don't know what to expect.

The shop now occupied by Mr. Owen was occupied by the late Mr. Tonkin and by his father before him, who succeeded in the early part of this century to a John Dyer. So probably Mr. Owen's shop is the very "shoop" where Gabriel Boulgin promised the Doctor to pay for the cure of his toe. It is smarter now than it was then, but I expect not so picturesque. Mr. Tonkin died in 1888, so that for 200 years the shop had gone on with only one change of name. Young Abraham Dyer, the witness to Gabriel Boulgin's promise, seems to have died in 1705, and his father in 1707. Young John left a son John who died in 1766.

F. 124 b. Jan. 18, 1691/2. Richard Day of Heathhous ye Honter sent Jeffrey Fease

for some medicine. It did him no good. He was buried the last day of this very month. One wonders what he hunted, and how and where. The name of his messenger was generally written Fearse, now Fear. Days and Fears are still to be found at Heathhouse.

F. 125. Jane Cripes of Burtell, Jane Warman that weare

owed 5s. for the cure of her finger. She paid half the debt with 4 lbs. of butter.

F. 136. Sept. 26, 1692. William Tutten of Crickham came to cure about St. James tide.

F. 136. Oct.3, 1692. Richard Gills of Badgworth sent for him to cure his wife. In the following April

"We came to an account, and then I tould him that fower pounds should give me satisfaction for alle I had dune for her."

He was paid in part £2, then £1, then the debt was increased by 10 shillings, and then Aug. 7

She tould me she did hope a giney ould give me content.

And so it did, and the debt was crossed out.

F. 137. Oct. 13, 1692. Captain William Boulting of Theall and I came to an account, and thear did apeare due to me just £2.5..0, the which he paid me.

Most of it was due for visits to his son William "When his chinn began to grow bad" and "for selve for his sore powle."

The Captain, born in 1657, had, I expect, just succeeded to Theale Great House, his father William having died in Sept. 1692. The Captain died in 1705, and his son William, in spite of "his bad chinn and sore powle," lived on till 1755.

F. 137. Oct. 13, 1692. John Culverhouse paid him 4 shillings which included

"one bad halfe croune which he promised to change if not pas."

F: 137 b. John Deane of yeander Allerton debtor for ye cure of his lame ledg that hee cut with a reepe hooke. 10 shillings.

I don't quite see why Allerton is called "yonder" more than any other place. In the chancel of Wedmore Church is a flat stone to Thomas Davies, who died in 1687. He was Vicar of Wedmore and Rector (or whatever the proper title was) of Allerton. The inscription on the stone says, "Hujus, tum etiam istius Allertonensis,..pastor fidelis", etc. Iste seems there to be the same as "yonder" in this extract.

F. 136 b. Oct. 1692. John Popell of Cocklake owed for the cure of his child; but he was slow to pay. He partly paid "in sum yealls and a goose." Then the Doctor adds

"I tould his mother that I ould have but tenn shillings, but sins seeing he did not pay ye money in a short time according to her promise, I know noe reason I should doe it under 20 shillings which it was woth.

F. 137 b. Nov. 5, 1692. Marey Wall of Aisen owed is. 6d.

"Recd. in full 2 bad Grots, 16 farthings and one bad sixpence,"

F. 146. June, 1693. Stephen Larder was debtor for the cure of his child,

"Received in full in money and sope which he bought at Bridgwater 15 shillings."

One wonders whether there would not have been much fewer cases of the itch than there were, and fewer complaints of other kinds, if there had been much more sope brought from Bridgwater.

F. 146. June 16, 1693. John Frey of Burtle paid five shillings.

"One of ye shillings was woodlan."

What sort of a shilling was this?

F. 151 b. Larance Stocke of Cross debtor for a pott of marmalade of quinses to be taken morning & evening ye quantity of a woodnut. 1..6.

152 b. Nov., 1693. Robart Deane of Allerton debtor for plaster and cerecloth for ye cure of her ledg that she pricked with a thorne. Received in part of payment 2 1/2 lbs of wax at 12d. per lb.

F. 153. Some medicine is entered

"for Widow Day ye Hunter's widow."

F. 153 b. Jan. 14, 1693/4. James Greene came to cure having a lame fingar.

F. 154. Jan. 20, 1693. Then imployed by ye overseears of Wedmore,EdwardTincknell, John Chalcraft, and John Clape, to cure Mary Richards of her lame arms and ledgs, whom promised me satisfaction for what I doe for her, as allsoe for ye cure of her husbun Thomas Richits his lame ledg that was dune before. Went everey day for a munth or more, then went everey other day for a long space. Soe in all debtor for cure and visits £8..10, ye cure being finished about Aprill 24, 1694.

F. 154. Nov. 14, 1694. Edward Sweet of Wedmore owed 10 shillings for the endeavour to cure his daughter Ann. This account was just balanced by a counter account. Farmer Westover spent what Doctor Westover had earned.

" Bought of Edward Sweet tenn loade of dounge at 6d. a load, and 20 load of a worser sort of soyle at 3d. a load. Soe in alle due to Edward Sweet 1o shillings."

F. 155 b. Feb. 1693/4. John Raines of Bagley debtor for one visit to him selfe when be was hurt with ye bell or bell rope as I remember, and for a plaster.

F. 155 b. March 6, 1693/4. Went and visited John Champion at John Lockes being burnt with powder, Went 9th & 10th to Badgworth to visit him...soe in all I went about eight times: debtor for visits and cure, £2..10..0..

F. 155 b. March 6, 1693/4. Went and visited Robert Leaker being burnt with powder as I understood. Went again ye 13th. Once or twice more before he was well. Received in part of pay his labor in cutting of five coults, 5 shillings, He tould me he ould cut alle my goods as long as he and I did live for my curing him.

F. 157. March 21, 1693/4. John Jeffris debtor for one visit to his child being wounded with a stroke of a stick in ye face, went again ye 22nd, 5 shillings.

F. 157 b. April, 1694. Thomas Ward of Wedmore is entered as owing 2s. 6d. for medicine for her blindness. I presume "her" means his wife Under this entry is another made a few years later.

For redusing of his (Thos. Ward's) shoulder being fractured by wrastling with George Tutton, Oct. 10, 1698.

F. 158 b. April 29, 1694. John Duston (Durston) of Pillrow his wife caine to cure. Received in part of pay 2 shillings. She had both hands ulsurated in small ulsurs and on her thumb she had a goole ring which feld off (fell off), soe left more to pay 3 shillings.

F. 159 b. June. 1694. Josuah Cooke of Stilve debtor for ye cure of his arme being wounded at Mear Revell. 5 shillings.

I am told that Meare revel was held a fortnight after Whitsunday.

F. 160 b. June 26, 1694. William Wall of Wedmore debtor for a pidge (pig) at Mickellmas next £1. Item for drawing of twoe teath for his wife and one for himselfe 1 shilling.

Ann the wife of William Wall did the Doctor's washing, so this curious bill for pigs sold and teeth drawn was paid in labour.

F. 161 July, 1694. John Gill of Weare debtor for ye cure of his arm being impostomated by reason of opning a veine being unskillfully done, 10 shillings.

This seems to be a hit at some rival practitioner.

F. 161 b. July. 15, 1694. John Muntigue of Mark sent for me to cure his sune being run throw ye arme with a peackÖFor ye cure and visits £1..10..0.

F. 162 b. August 1694. George Chalcraft of Garden Inn has a remedy "for ye paine of his hand-wrist & shoulder. Tould him I ould have a shilling." The wrist is generally called in the journal the hand wrist. This house where the Chalcrafts lived was called, 200 years ago, Garden Inn and Garden End, as it is now. I think that Garden End is the right name, and that it marks the end or boundary of the old vineyards at Panborough which, till the Reformation, belonged to Glastonbury Abbey.

F. 163. Sept. 2, 1694. Alice Bennet of Wedmore is debtor "for a julip for ye fever to be taken one spunful in bear for her daughter Jane. Received in part of pay one pound of candells, is. 6d." This Alice Bennet died in Feb., 1737/8 aged 92 years. Her husband Samuel had died in March, 1674/5, so that she survived him 63 years all but a month. They lived in the Borough, and probably were tallow chandlers,

F. 163. Sept. 14, 1694. George Harris of Marke owes £1..10..0 for the cure of his wife. "Received of George Harris in part of pay 22 shillings of bad money, but hee will bringe 8 shillings more."

F. 163. Sept. 3, 1694. Then I was sent for to cure John Steart's sun whome received a verey large cutt over ye cord of his heall, went fower times to Sept. 7. Tould him it was woth fortey shillings. I tould him I ould be kind, sne I thinke to bate him a croune.

F. 164 b. Oct. 10 1694. John Kerbey of Theall sent for me to reduse his sunns ledg being fractured with ye treding of a horse. Went 3 times to Oct. 23, at which time I joined it the first time and found it verey well in its place. Went ons more . . . Wee came to an account. I tould him I ould have but 20 shillings, which he promised to pay me.

F. 166 b. Dec. 18, 1694. Richard Goold of Marke owes 2s. 6d. for medicine for his wife. This debt is crossed out and entered as Received in full; and then afterwards the Doctor adds "The money was naught, soe its not paid; I set it down received in full before I saw the money." This bad money, again from Mark, seems to have been worse than the other, or else the Doctor had become more particular.

F. 166 b. Jan. 4, 1694/5. Then went and visited ye widow Garner her sune of Cheddar having a lame foot. Went one Sunday before, William (Rowley) went ons (once), went againe ye 23rd, went againe Shraftusday,went againe Feb. 14, and then they oul trust to theaier oune drogeing. £1..10..0.

I think the Doctor wrote this last part of the sentence with his nose turned up.

F. 166 b. Jan. 22, 1694/5. Edmond Hach of Allerton owed 4 shillings for two girdells, "and did not pay for them. Then received of him one shilling. Received ye other three shillings; hee promised to change them if theay ould not pas." Bad money again, but this time not from Mark.

F. 168. Feb. 28, 1694/5. Mary Seley of Barton came to cure having a lame toe. Toke her yolow selve. 2s. 6d.

F. 169 b. April 7, 1695. William Shipard of Blackford came to cure having received a wound in his both lips. I stecht it up. Hee will give me satisfaction for ye cure deserve so shillings. Paid Cozen Shipard for 15 lbs. of lard, the pott and alle wayed full 22 1/2 lb, so when the pot is emtey wee may know the jist quantety what to pay more.

F. 170. April, 14, 1695. William Brownes wife of Mudsley brought her child to cure being scalld with hot lickuar: she tould me that her husbun ould pay me for what I did br them its woth 6 shillings.

F. 171. May, 1695. He pays several visits to Cozen William Counsell of Blackford and gives him medicine "to drive out ye small pox." This expression "driving out the small pox" often occurs in the journal. I recollect a poor woman at Bridgwater about 20 years ago who had several children down in the small pox. She told me that she called in no medical man, but simply gave them plenty of beer, cider, and spirits to "drive it out." In her case it answered very well.

F. 172. May, 1695. Mr. Robert Ivyleafe has a great many potions to cure the melancholy.

F. 175. July. 9, 1695. Cozen William Westover sent for me to cure William Gast his sune being wounded in ye face with a stroake of a horse. Went and steched it, he will give me satisfaction for ye cure. £2. Dec. 31, 1695. Then received one guiney in thirtey shillings and tenn shillings in small shillings of Cozen William Westover in full for ye cure of william Gast, but Cozen William promised to change ye guiney and other monies if it ould not pass.

More bad money from Mark. The value of the guinea, as these extracts wlll show, changed. The guinea, as an actual coin, lasted from the reign of Charles II to the reign of George III; i.e., from about 1662 to 1813. It was so called because at first it was made of gold brought from Guinea in West Africa. Its value shifted from 21 shillings to 28 shillings. (Henfrey's Guide to English Coins.) At this time, the reign of William III, it was at its highest value. I do not see that its value was ever 30 shillings, though that is what the Doctor sometimes reckons it at. Several more extracts about the guinea will be given.

F. 175 b. July 19, 1695. Then received of ye widow Trot 12s. 6d. in full for ye cure of her arme: one of ye halfe crounes was naught (?), promised to be exchanged.

F. 176. July 19, 1695. Went and visited John Castell when Mr. Tatman and hee fell out and Tatman (" wounded him" scratched out) brused. For ye visit he paid me tenn shillings.

From the two words that the Doctor first wrote and then scratched out it would seem that they did not fall out of a cart, but fell out in the sense of quarrelled and fought. From the amount paid for the visit it would seem that Castle did not live here. Tatman is not a Wedmore name, and never was.

F. 178. Sept 29, 1695. John Ducket of Stoughton paid me 5 shillings in part of pay for his daughter Janes cure, and then he tould me hee ould bring me 15 shillings more in a short time, and then I tould him hee should know what I ould have more for ye cure. His sune came about late yeare as I remember, and then he promised to pay ye 15 shillings before William Rowley.

William Rowley was the doctor's nephew and apprentice.

F. 178 b. Oct. 9,1695. Thomas Boolle of Street in ye parish of Pill his wife is fallen distracted. ... She is raving sumtimes, she lafes, she sings, and weapes and talkes non sense.

F. 179. Nov. 10, 1695. Then redused Mary Cox of Mudsley her heepe. Went again the next day, went again 14,16,17, 23, 27, went again Dec. 5, and then shee was dead, soe in alle went about 9 or 10 times.

In the Register of Burials she is called Jane Cox, widow. The bill, £4..10..0, was paid by the Overseers, Mr. Evan Thomas and James Popham.

F. 181. Dec. 19, 1695. William Carter of Wedmore owes 16 shillings for several potions; and the Doctor enters "Received one hundred of cheas in part of pay at 25 shillings."

F. 181. Dec. 26, 1695. John Rowley of Meare owes 4s. 6d. for medicine. The Doctor enters, "He did not pay for it, his money was not good."

F. 181 b. Dec. 23, 1695. Captain William Boulting of Theall sent for me to visit his youngar sune having a sore mouth, it came with ye fever. Leaft them noe thing for ye cure, it ould doe without it. Soe debtor for ye visit only 5 shillings.
Item, one visit to blod ye Capten's wife, 5 shillings.
Jan. 4, 1695/6 Went and bloded ye Capten himselfe, 5 shillings.

F. 182 b. Jan. 23. 1695/6. Then received in full for ye cure of William Jeffris of Hunspill his child halfe a giney in fifteen shillings.

F. 183. Feb. 10, 1695/6. Cozen George Counsell of Stoughton Cross sent his sun for a medicine for ye cough.

Amongst other things the Doctor sent him "lozenges to be taken one at a time in his mouth and let him desolve away."

F. 183. Feb. 16, 1695/6. The Doctor sends medicines to Cozen William Veale of Sutton, "and ye cost is now in regard drugs is dear 6 shillings."

F. 184. Feb. 27, 165/6. More medicines for Cozen William Veale, his wife and his son William being sick. One of them is to be taken " in a draught of canarey sack."

F. 201 b. 1698. Richard Sweets mann Woodland desier me to cure his hand being cut with a mowing sithe as he was grinding of him Wedmore fayer day. 10 shillings.

F. 202, Nov. 1697. Richard Pime of Marke, Thomas Goulds sune in law, sent for me to visit him at Marey Goulds. For ye visit 2s. 6d. Sent ye next day (here follows prescription) to bring out ye small pox if hee had them. 1s. 6d. Item Debtor for a plaster for his clavikle that he brused as I did think with a gunn. 1s.

F. 202 b. Dec. 7, 1697. William Millard of Marke desierd me to goe and visit his sune at Gills Francis his house at Burtle whear he lay wounded in his right arme with a gunn which acidentley fierd and wounded him from his hand wrist up after his arme and came out at ye poynt of his elbow; went the next-day and drest him again at Marke whear he was brought to his fathers went again the 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and he died 19th December; soe in all I went a leven journeys. William Millard and I came to an account and then I tould him I ould have but 40 shillings, the which he will pay in a short time; he was very well contented. Received in part of pay 20 shillings at Marke Inn when ye Lords Curt was thear. Received the other 20 shillings of his wife.

Though the Doctor reckons the year to begin on March 26, (as also do the Parish Registers till 1752 when it first begins to be reckoned as beginning on Jan. 1), yet he calls the last day of December New Year's eve as we should do.

F. 203. 1697. The widow Cusens of Rible is melencholey Went Dec. 18 and visited her. Went againe twise more to new years eve The widow Cussens debtor for her cure being distracted £5. I called on her May 27, 1699, and then I tould her mother ye widow Churchis and her that £5 should give me content, and desierd them to provide me with ye money about August next, at which time I should have occasion for money, soe they promised to pay me what they could at that time of money.

In the receipt in the margin she is called "Widow Cuzens of Wore in ye parish of Wookey." Oare and Ripple are still so called in the parish of Wookey.

F. 203. Jan. 13, 1697. Andrew Biship of Pillham debtor for ye cure of his wife ,£1..2..O. Went about 3 or 4 times to Poules day. Item went againe the day after Poules day. Reed. in full one guiney.

This "Poules day," more fully and respectfully called "The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul," comes on Jan. 25. The Doctor was 200 years nearer than we are to what are often, but rather slovenlily, called "the Catholic times." His grandfather might easily have been born what is slovenlily called "a Catholic." So that accounts for some lingering familiarity with the dates of Saints' days. Probably no doctor now, unless he be very high Church, has the least idea of when Poules day or any other Saints' day comes.

F. 204. March 1, 1697. Nickolas Bunn of Allerton came to cure having a verey large impostom on his brist. His father ould Nickolas Bunn promised to pay his ould debt as soone as he could before William Adams, sen. Tould Nickolas Bunn I ould have but 15 shillings at which time I tould him of ye ould debt due from him and his father, and he tould me that if his father did not pay ye money hee ould as soon as he had sould his heifer or mare that he had to sell, he tould me William Tutten was about to by ye mare.

The number of oulds, soulds, and toulds that the Doctor contrives to get into every sentence is wonderful.

F. 205 b. May 50, 1698. Sarah Dose of Uphill medicine for ye bitt of a mad dog.

Then follows the prescription, and charge 2s.

F. 205 b. May 26, 1698. Lewis Lyde of Marke debtor for medicine for his self 1 shilling, and a neats toung hee promised me for medicines before deliverd. Item for medicine for his sune ye souldiar for a consumption, 2s. 6d. Sent him a decoction guiacum sassaphras to be taken a sack glass full morning mixt in a small matter of shudgar.

F. 206. June 12, 1698. The widow Spendar of Marke sent for me to cure her arme being tumyfeyed by reason of her being bloded by Boulten of Glastonbury.

Visits and remedies brought the bill up to nine shillings. The Doctor evidently had a poor opinion of "Boulten of Glastonbury."

F. 206. Dec. 4, 1698. Peter Derrick of Cross came and ould agree with me for his cure his wifes and childs. I asked £5 and stay for my money till theay was well, and hee offered me fifty shillings, soe he went away and did not agree.

F. 207. Aug. 1, 1698. George Voules of Bagworth sent for me to cure him of a bruse by a fall from a reake, hee sopposed he had broke his backe. I went but found is not soe. I gave him a plaster. For ye visit & plaster 10 shillings,

F. 207 b. John Willis of Stoke debtor for medicine for ye bitt of mad dogs 5 shillings.

F. 208. Sept., 1698. "John Andrus in Grants Lane his daughter," has an electuary of marmalade of quinses.

F. 208 b. Nov. 7, 1698. Peter Hame my mann debtor for a bottle of ferig to cut flegme for his mother, 1 shilling.

This is probably that Peter Ham who was buried Oct. 5, 1742, on the same day as Jane his wife.

F. 210 b. Jan. 23, 1698/9. William Shipard of Blackford debtor for a carminative for his child being froward. Sent it by John Cowles his brother in law. Tould him ye cost was 3s. 6d.

F. 214. July 10, 1699. John Clapp fell from a load of hay and brused his head and came to cure.

F. 215. Aug. 5, 1699. Sent by John Pollet to John Savidg a large pint bottle of cephalick medicine to be taken 3 spunfulls evenings, 4 shillings, and an opiate to be taken ye quantyty of a wood nut mornings, 2 shillings, and an electuary of Loud for 2 doses 1 shilling.

A Wood nut and a nutmeg are two measures that occur often in the prescriptions. A sack glass is the usual measure for liquids.

F. 215 b. August, 1699. William Tutten of Mudsley debtor for one visit to him when he was hurt by his boy cuming of (off) from a loade of pease upon him. 2s. 6d.

F. 216. Oct. 9, 1699. William Ginkens of Blackford had some potions "for his wife's ould distemper."

Tould Mary Ginkens if theay dishcarge ye debt for ye cure I ould have but thirdey shillings the which I desierd her to be privat; if ye parish did pay it I ould have more.

The parish did pay it, and he received 40 shillings.

F. 216. Oct. 19, 1699. Robart Cox of Limsum or Brint sent his wife and sune for medicine for paines of his limbs. I soposed it to be the returne of his ould distemper the Goute. Sent him a dose of narcotick electuarey to be taken ons in three days, and orderd him if the first dose gave him noc ease to take a dose and a halfe the next. 4 shillings.

This is about the only case of gout that is mentioned.

F. 219. March 4 1699/1700 Edmont Walle of Allerton sent for me to reduse his ledg being fractured. Went and redused him. Went again March 5. Ons more 13th. Ons more April 8, 1700. Then Mr. Dounton of Wedmore and Mr. Smith of Allerton promised to pay me fortey shillings for ye cure of Edmont Walle in a weackes time. Recd. in full £1..15..0

This I suppose is Richard Dounton who was Vicar of Wedmore from 1688 to 1707. I presume from this that he was also Rector of Allerton.

F. 219. April, 1700. Robart Perrey of Hutten is sicke, about 50 years of age, doth vomit, and is drey, and troubled with a crampe verey much.

F. 219 b. May 1, 1700. Harrey Binsum of Hunspill lame in his knee, orderd him oyle of spicke and St. John's wort for the cure to anoynt his knee and keep a fluke of wostord to it. Recd. in part of pay for his cure 5 shillings; when well he will pay me for ye cure.

I don't know whether "oyle of spicke" would be what we call Lavender water.

F. 222 (should be 220 b). July, 1700. Richard Westover of Allerton debtor for one visit to him at Allerton to cure his Jane being fractured by a stroake of a stick, leaft ungt to onoynt it, hee came after againe to cure for it did impostumate under his chinn. 10 shillings.

This seems likely to have been an injury received at single stick playing. One might almost think that there had been a general scrimmage in this July 1700. For besides Richard Westover's broken jaw, John Deane, of Allerton, runs up a bill of £3 for the cure of his hand, Arthur Star of Wedmore has to pay 10 shillings for his wife's shoulder being dislocated and shoulder blade fractured, and William Browning of Wedmore pays 5 shillings for the reducing of his son Robert's arm. All this will be found on f. 223. In the following September (f. 223 b) Cozen George Counsell of Cocklake pays for the reducing of his son's arm being dislocated at the elbow.

F. 223 Sept. 1700. Richard Simes of Hunspill debtor for unge and solve seven ounses for his maid having ye berbes millicares or St. Anthoneys fier. 3s. 6d.

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