Genealogy Pages
MEETINGS. No. 62.-May 6, 1768. We, the Minister, Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, and other inhabitants of the said Parish, whose names etc. do hereby consent and agree that the Overseers of the poor do with all convenient speed procure a warrant for the examination of James Fisher, Jane Coles and Arthur Coles concerning their respective settlements; and also to get Mr. Simon Witherell to state the case on such examination and Counsellor Gould's opinion thereon. F. Taylor, Vicar: John Bining, Adam Bussell, Churchwardens; John Radford, John Barrow, the mark of George Raynes, Overseers; William Stone, George Counsell, Peter Evans, Richard Brown, Joseph Corner, John Norman, Richard Glanvile. No. 63.-July 6, 1768. We the Minister etc. whose names etc. do consent and agree that the present Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor or either of them be hereby authorized and empowered to obtain a Counsell's opinion in what manner they ought to proceed for recovery of the money given and devised by Robert Vigor deceased towards the schooling of two poor children of the Parish of Wedmore, and also for the recovery of all arrears now due and unpaid for the same; and that the charges be allowed them out of the Parish Stock. William Stone, Joseph Comer, Adam Busel, John Barrow, John Radford, John Bining, George Counsell, John Tucker, Richard Brown. I think Robert Vigor is a mistake for Samuel Vigor. See No. 15. No. 64.-Sept. 18, 1768 (or 1769 ?). We whose names etc. do hereby consent and agree the present Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor and their successors do according to law proceed for the recovery of the moneys mentioned in the above Vestry there set forth to be due for the schooling of Poor Children on the account of the last will and testament of Samuel Vigors. F. Taylor, Vicar; William Stone, Richard Glanvile, Joseph Corner, John Brown, Samuel Brown, John Norman, J. Rickard. No. 65.-Jan. 10, 1769. We, the Minister etc. whose names etc. do hereby consent and agree that the present Churchwardens and Overseers and their successors or either of them do with all convenient speed apply to Mr. Simon Witherel, Attorney, and use all lawful means for recovery of all moneys now due and in arrear from Joseph Toomer for and in respect of the Schooling of two poor children in the Parish of Wedmore; and if Counsil is employed in the affair, we conseut and agree that Mr. Gould and Mr. Borland shall be obtained, and that all reasonable charges shall be allowed them out of the Parish Stock. F. Taylor, Vicar; John Tucker, Richard Brown, William Stone, Edward Taverner, John Bining, Joseph Comer, Joseph Fear. No. 66.-Aug. 7, 1770. We whose names etc. do hereby consent and agree that the Overseers of the Poor do forthwith their utmost endeavours to procure a place of residence and propability of a cure of Lydya Willis; and if they cannot on reasonable terms and expectation of a cure, then and in such case to bring her home, and that all reasonable charges be allowed them out of the Poor Stock. F. Taylor, Vicar; Edward Taverner, Churchwarden; E. Smithfield, William Cook, John Seller, Overseers; Richard Brown, J. Rickard. No. 67.-April 8, 1771. We whose names etc. (so much as our power lyeth) ratifie and confirm an agreement made at a Vestry held in the said Church Jan. 7, 1767 for the recovery of all moneys in arrear for and towards the schooling of two poor children now due by force and virtue of the last will and testament of Mr. Samuel Vigors. E. Smithfield, William Cook, John Bining. Edward Tyley, Joseph Comer, William Brown, John Brown, J. Rickard. No. 68.-Sept. 23, 1771. We whose names etc. do hereby consent agree and request Messrs. Joseph Comer and William Singer together with any or either of the Churchwardens and Overseers for the time being to ask, receive and collect all or any part of the moneys now due and owing for and in respect of the second Poor, and with all convenient speed to purchase lands in the best manner they can for the advantage of the second Poor, and to pay the fine or consideration money for the same out of the said moneys. Richard Glanvile, John Barrow, John Taylor, J. Rickard, William Brown, Edward Tyley, John Radlord. No. 69.-May 25, 1772. We whose names etc. do hereby order, desire and direct the Churchwardens and Overseers to use all lawful means for bringing the former Churchwardens and Overseers to account and paying in their respective ballences. E. Smithfield, Richard Brown, Joseph Comer, George Toogood, James Tucker, John Gardner, George Brown, John Brown, John Seller. No. 70.-March
26, 1773. We whose names etc. do hereby consent and agree that Messrs.
Joseph Comer and Edward Smythfield are and shall be hereby authorized
and empowered to wait on Mr. Joseph Tutton in order to settle his bill,
and that the several and respective Churchwardens and Overseers of this
Parish which have not received their rates hereby are authorised and
empowered by all lawful means to recover all rates and taxes and assessments
charged and now due from the said Mr. Joseph Tutton, and that all charges
concerning the same shall be paid them by a proportional assessment
on the severall inhabitants of this parish and all others liable to
be assessed towards the relief of the Poor of the said parish. John
Plummer, John Cock, John Brown, John Bining, John Radford, John Duckett,
Edward Taverner, John Harvey, Richard Brown. No. 71.-Dec. 6, 1773. We whose names etc. do hereby authorize and impower the present Overseers to pay unto Mr. Simon Witherell, attorney at law, the sum of 184 Pounds, being money due in arrear to him for Costs of Suit, in pressing a bill in equity, against Joseph Tomer of Wedmore for the recovery of late Mr. Vigors Charity, as witness our hands. John Tucker, John Glanvile, Overseers E. Smithfield, Richard Brown, John Barrow, Joseph Corner, John Plummer, William Brown, James Tucker Richard Glanvile, John Sprake, Richard Adams, John Duckett, John Radford, John Bining, George Toogood, the mark of George Rains. No. 72.-April 14, 1774. We whose names etc. do consent and agree that the present Overseers of the Poor do try the cause between the Parish of Taunton St. Mary Magdlan and the Parish of Wedmore relating to Mary Collings and famely settlement, and that the expense attending the same be paid out of the Poor Stock. John Wall, John Glanvile, John Leigh, Overseers; E. Smithfield, Joseph Comer, Richard Glanvile, William Brown, John Duckett. No. 73.-April 19, 1774. We whose names etc. do hereby authorise and empower the Overseers of the Poor to use all lawful means for recovery of all rates and asssessments now due from Edward Teverner for his poor rates, and that the Charges be allowed out of the poor stock. Nicholas Davy, Richard Brown, E. Smithfield, Peter Evans, George Toogood, John Brown, William Brown, James Counsell, William Pople. No. 74.-Feb. 10. 1775. Under this date is entered into the Order book the following Order made at a Sessions of Sewers held at Axbridge for the N.W. division of the County on Oct. 17, 1774. It is entered by J. Rickard. I have shortened it. The Court, having considered a petition of the owners and occupiers of a certain level or floor of lands adjoining to the view of Wedmore Jury of Sewers and called Damasons for taking the said level or floor into view, ORDERS that the said level or floor, extending from the South Side of Mrs. Urch's Goosebams to the North Side of Mr. Yescombe's three acres near the Moor way, and from Gooseham lane to the Land course ditch, be taken into the view of Wedmore Jury of Sewers, and that the said Jury do as often as needful order the several rhines ditches and Watercourses to be opened, scoured etc., and all bridges banks Clyses and other defences to be repaired by the several persons who ought to do the same. All defaulters to be presented and amerced. A copy of this order to be sent to Mr. John Brown foreman of the said Jury. No. 75.-Oct. 1, 1773. Agreed that the Overseers of the Poor use all lawful means to prevent the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Parish of Wookey from confirming at the next General Quarter Sessions an order obtained for removing Ann Barrett and Elizabeth her child from the parish of Wookey to Wedmore, and that all reasonable charges shall be paid out of the Poor rate and that George South be the attorney employed. J. Rickard, Vestry Clerk; Simon Tincknell. No. 76.-July 6, 1777. Agreed to give John Day and George Toogood two pounds and two shillings for serving the Office of Overseers for Blackford Quarter the year present. John Brown, William Stone, Thomas Tyley. No. 77.-Aug.
3, 1777. Richard Glanvile to receive three guineas for his extraordinary
attendance on William Hodges when his leg was taken off and dressing
the wound being six months. William Stone, Churchwarden; Thomas Tyley,
Stephen Stone, William Harrow, John Glanvile, J. Rickard. No. 78.-Dec. 31, 1779. We whose names etc. do hereby consent and agree that one shilling in the pound shall be allowed to the Overseers in their disbursements for all sums by them collected for placeing poor children apprentices; and that all such sums which cannot be collected for placing out such poor children shall be paid out of the poor stock. John Ducket, Churchwarden; Thomas Tyley, Stephen Stone, Gabriel Stone, John Barrow. No. 79.-April 16, 1785. We whose names etc. do consent and agree that in Futurity shall be but two persons nominated to serve the office of Overseer of the Poor in any one year. Griffith Richards, Curate; William Savidge, John Duckett, William Batt, Joseph Toomer, Edmund Bowle, William Redman, Edward Counsell, John Glanvile, John Millard. Up to this there had been four Overseers appointed every year, one each from the Wedmore, Blackford, Mudgley or East, and North Quarters. No. 80.-April 1, 1782. We whose names etc. do consent and agree that the sum of three guineas be allowed Messrs. Joseph Comer and Gabriel Stone out of the moneys that they shall collect by rate for the relief of the Poor in consideration of the trouble they may have in collecting the said rates. Griffith Richards. Curate; John Duckett, William Savidge, Churchwardens; Thomas Tyley, William Batt, William Stone, John Barrow, William Barrow, John Day. No. 81.-April 21, 1783. Mr. John Barrow and Mr. Thomas Tyley were chosen to serve the Office of Overseers of the Poor for the year ensuing, and to have the same allowance for collecting the rates. William Rees, Curate; William Batt, John Tucker, Churchwardens; Joseph Comer, Gabriel Stone, Richard Champeny, Stephen Champeny, William Savidge, John Duckett. No. 82.-April 23, 1786. The Overseers desire the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishoners to meet them here on Friday the 28th day of this instant at 10 o'clock in the forenoon to make a rate for the relief of the Poor for the ensuing year, and examine and pass the accounts for the last year, as well as to elect a Surgeon and Apothecary to have the care of the poor. And all persons who may be inclined to undertake the said business are desired to give in their proposals in writing on the above day. George Green, Edward Champeny. No. 83.-Aug. 20, 1786. The Minister, Overseers and inhabitants are desired to meet here on Friday next by 2 o'clock in the afternoon in order to consider of the necessary reparations to be made in the Church. And to inform the Churchwardens of all Charitable donations given by deed or will for the benefit of poor persons. And also in whose hands such donations are now vested, Joseph Duckett, William Redman, Churchwardens. No. 84.-Nov. 26, 1786. The Minister Churchwardens and Inhabitants are desired to meet here on Tuesday next by 2 o'clock in the afternoon in order to make a rate for the relief of the Poor. The Surgeon who has the care of the sick poor also desires their attendance respecting a very desperate case. George Green, Edward Champeny, Overseers. This notice was published in Church on Sunday by Mr. Joseph Wollen, the Vestry Clerk, instead of by the Parish Clerk as usual. No. 85.-Dec 25, 1788. Ordered at this Vestry THAT the Officers take Counsell's Opinion upon the will of the late Ann Castleman deceased as to the recovery of a bequest of £100 to the Second Poor of Wedmore, and of whom. THAT the Officers apply to the several persons having money in their hands belonging to the Second Poor of this Parish to give security for the same. THAT a Vestry be forthwith called for the purpose of assessing the New inclosures to the relief of the Poor. Thomas Tyley, John Barrow, Gabriel Stone, William Stone, John Glanvile, E. Edwards, George Green, John Duckett, Stephen Champeney, John Tucker. No 86.-Dec. 28, 1788. George Tutton and Jeremiah Bining, the Overseers, desire the Minister, Churchwardens and Inhabitants to meet them here on Friday Jan. 9 next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon in order to make a rate or assessment upon the new inclosed lands within the Parish of Wedmore, for the Relief of the Poor. No. 87.-March 8, 1789. The Proprietors of old Auster tenements within the Manors of Wedmore, Churchland, Mudgley and Northload are desired to attend at the George Inn in Wedmore on Friday next at 11 o'clock in the forenoon relative to the law suit now depending with Mary Hutton, and other very important business respecting the Inclosure. No. 88.-Dec. 23, 1789. Whereas Maria Warfield an apprentice placed to Philip Chapman in the year 1781 has been lately removed from the Parish of Cheddar to this Parish by an order, Resolved that Mr. Edmund Broderip be forthwith employed to do the needful in the above business. Thomas Tyley, Gabriel Stone, John Tucker, John Duckett, E. Edwards, William? No. 89.-Dec. 19, 1790. The Churchwardens and Overseers desire the Minister and Inhabitants to meet here on Tuesday next precisely at ten o'clock in the forenoon to authorize and empower them to execute an instrument to Mr. Drake for a Donation to the second Poor of this Parish by the late Mrs. Ann Castleman deceased. No. 90.-Dec. 25, 1792. Resolved at this Vestry that the Rev. Mr. Rees pay the moneys he receives at the several Sacraments to the Churchwardens or Overseers to be by them distributed with the donations to the second Poor of this Parish on this day by the direction of the Vicar. John Barrow, George Green, Churchwasdens; Joseph Corner, Gabriel Stone, Edward Edwards, John Tucker, John Duckett, Stephen Champeny, Joseph Wollen. Mr. Rees was Curate here from 1782 to 1793, the Vicar, Mr. Bishop, being non-resident. No. 91.-Oct. 6, 1793. Agreed that the Overseers do employ William Brown jun. to draw an alphabetical list of all the lands and premises within the said parish, and that the sum of twelve pounds and twelve shillings be allowed for his charge in completing the same. John Barrow, George Green, Churchwardens; William Batt, Joseph Wollen, E. Edwards, John Duckett, John Sprake, John Carver. No. 92.-Jan. 10, 1794. Agreed with Mr. William Brown to prepare a reduced pockett plan of the lands within this parish, for which the Overseers are to pay him ten pounds and ten shillings, providcd the same be delivered to the said Overseers on or before Feb. 10 next. William Eyre, Curate; John Barrow, Churchwarden; Joseph Wollen, William Barrow, John Day, William Brown, jun., John Rickard. Neither this pocket map nor the terrier mentioned in No. 91 are among the parish papers, as they ought to be. No. 93.-Oct. 17, 1794. Ordered that the Vestry Clerk draw out the terrier in alphabetical order. Agreed that the Churchwardens and Overseers do purchase of the Lords of the Manors of Churchland and Wedmore the several cottage houses and gardens now in the respective occupations of Thomas Rowley, Hannah Dowling, widow, John Symmonds, Joseph Boyce, John Barnett, and George Macshell, at 20 pounds each, and including the waste land on the south side of the road leading from Wedmore to Theale. William Eyre, Curate ; John Barrow, Churchwarden William Reeve, William Taverner, Overseers; Joseph Wollen, J. Pickford, John Sprake, John Day, Richard Glanvile, John Wall, the mark of James Critch, Philip Chapman. No. 94.-Jan. 25, 1795. Agreed that the Overseers lay out the sum of 20 pounds in bread and bacon towards alleviating the distress of the second Poor of this Parish during this inclement season. William Stone, John Barrow, Joseph Wollen, William Batt, William Chapman, George Green, Stephen Champeny, Gabriel Millard. No. 95.-April 24, 1795. We whose names etc. do consent and agree that a rate is forthwith made for defraying expenses for raising four men for the parishes of Wedmore and Brean to serve in his Majesty's navy at 6 pence in the pound. William Stone, Paul Tyley, Simon Tincknell. This rate was made in accordance With an Act of Parliament passed March 5, 1795. No. 96.-Jan. 10. 1796. It was mutually agreed that a discharge be given to the Parishes of St. John and St. Benedict or one of them in Glastonbury touching Harry Collard his wife and children. William Shartman, William Bait, E. Edwards, Thomas Athay, Joseph Wollen. No. 97.-Easter Monday, March 28, 1796. Agreed that William Rickard, son of the late John Rickard deceased, takes care of the Parish School during the will and pleasure of the Minister, Church. wardens and Overseers for the time being. William Eyre, Curate; Joseph Wollen, William Batt, Robert Wiseman, Simon Tincknell, J. Pickford, E. Edwards, William Taverner, John Carver, John Ducket, John Stone, Edward Counsell, John Day. No 98.-Dec. 7, 1796. A Vestry meeting held in the Parish Church of Wedmore to take into consideration the most speedy and effectual means of raising three men appointed at a General Sessions of the peace holden Nov. 23 last at the Assize Hall in Bridgwater to be raised by you for the Service of the Navy, in pursuant of an Act intituled an Act for raising a certain number of men in the several Counties in England for the Service of his Majesty's Army and Navy. William Batt, William Barrow, William Reeve, Robert Tyley. No. 99.-Sept. 10, 1797. Agreed that James Willis' wife be sent to the fish Ponds; and that another surgeon be called concerning Betty Millard's leg. E. Edwards, Thomas Atlsay, William Batt, William Brown, George Green, John Glanvile. No. 100. At the General Quarter Sessions held at Bridgwater, July 12, 1797, a fine of £200 was laid upon the Parish of Wedmore, because that on April 5, 1796, they had not repaired a certain part of the King's common and ancient highway, viz, from a place called Cocklake bridge to a certain other bridge called Rhyne bridge, and from thence to a certain other bridge called Yeobridge, containing in length 3 furlongs, 156 yards, and in breadth 30 feet. leading from Mark to Rodney Stoke, being in great decay for want of due reparation, so that the subjects of our Lord the king through the same way with their horses, coaches, carts and carriages, could not go or return as they ought and were wont to do, to the great damage and common nuisance of all. The fine was to be levied by the Constable of the Hundred of Bemstone, and paid into the hands of John Barrow and William Tyley, Gentlemen, residing near the said parish of Wedmore, who are to apply it towards the repair of the said highway, and account for it at the next General Quarter Sessions under the forfeiture of double the sum received. The next three Vestries refer to this fine. No. 100.-Sept. 29, 1797. Agreed that a rate or assessment be made after the value of 9 pence per pound to defray expenses to make that road leading from Cocklake to Bartlet's or Yeo bridge, after the same manner as the rate is made for the relief of the Poor. William Eyre, Curate ; John Barrow, E. Edwards, William Barrow, John Sprake, William Pople, Edward Counsell, John Gardner, the mark of James Leigh, George Tutton, John Day No. 101.-May 23, 1798. We whose names etc. do consent and agree that a rate or assessment be forthwith made at 8 pence per pound value (amount to £200) for the purpose of making a road leading from Cocklake bridge to James Bartlet's or Yeo bridge, by Order of the Quarter Sessions; and that Thomas Swearse and William Rickard be appointed Collectors of this Rate. John Barrow, E. Edwards, Joseph Wollen, William Stone, Robert Tyley, William Taverner, William Barrow, William Brown, jun., William Pople, Benjamin Banwell, John Wall, James Leigh his mark. No. 102.-Sept. 24, 1798. It is agreed with the Inhabitants of the Hamlets of Cocklake, Crickham and Northwick to defray the expenses of the inditement of Cocklake road, and in future to be as one hamlet to pay in proportion to all expenses incedent on each and every of the said hamlets except the hamlet of Northwick. Also agreed with the inhabitants of the hamlet of Northwick that they do take that road belonging to the said hamlet lying in the Parish of Mark for their proportionable part. Witness our hands; William Barrow, George Tutton, Edward Counsell, Joseph Toomer, John Wall, the mark of John Millish, the mark of William Medlam, the mark of Hannah Hawkins, John Giblet, William Pople, Edward Harden for Mr. Smithfield, John Norman. No. 103.-Easter Monday, March 25, 1799. Agreed that the present Churchwardens do continue in the execution of the said office for the year ensuing, and that they give notice to the several persons having Second Poor money in their hands to pay the same to the said Churchwardens and Overseers, who are hereby authorized and impowered to receive it and advance the same on some proper security for the benefit of the said second Poor; and the said Churchwardens are directed to imply an attorney to oblidge Edward Bilbe of Chewstoke to return the fifth bell he having failed to fulfill his agreement with the Churchwardens. Agreed that John Sprake be imployed to look after the sick poor and that his bill be produced every month. William Stone, William Batt, Joseph Wollen, Stephen Champeny, Gabriel Millard. No. 104,-May 2, 1799. Agreed that the Overseers purchase ten sacks of potatoes to distribute to the poor paupers who have large families, and that the potatoes be brought to the Church gates to be distributed. John Barrow, E. Edwards, Churchwardens; William Barrow, Joseph Wollen, Simon Tincknell, John Tucker. No. 105.-Aug 18, 1799. At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Wedmore on Sunday, Aug. 18, 1799, pursuant to notice duly given by the Churchwardens of the said parish, in order to consider whether the School erected in this parish, ender the denomination of "The Miss More's Sunday School," be conducted agreable to law and sanctioned by the license of the Ordinary, (the Dean of Wells,) and to the satisfaction of the Inhabitants (or a decided majority thereof) belonging to the aforesaid Parish of Wedmore, the following resolutions were agreed to. 1. Resolved that the School in this parish, erected and supported (as we suppose) by subscription through the hands of the Miss. Mores, is offensive to us. 2. Resolved that the said school is a meeting place for people who are not respectful to the regular ministry of the Church. 3. Resolved that we do not approve of such schools, as having, in our opinion, the Doubtful if not Dangerous tendency, of innovation. 4. Resolved that we respectfully lay these resolutions before the Ordinary; and request him to stop all teaching and PREACHING in the said school. 5. Resolved that the care of the poor youth of this Parish IS OURS ; and that we meet again upon the plan of a school for them at OUR OWN EXPENSE. William Bishop, Vicar; William Eyre, Curate ; John Barrow, E. Edwards, Churchwardens; Robert Wiseman, Thomas Athay, Overseers; William Brown, John Carver, John Duckett, jun., William Stone, William Batt, Joseph Wollen, John Stone, John Tucker, John Glanvile, John Duckett, Bartholomew West, Benjamin Banwell, William White, John Hancock, William Shartman, Thomas Parker, James Toogood, George Green, Steven Champeney, Gabriel Stone, John Smithfield. These resolutions will be found copied with unusual care into the ninth book containing the Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor. The words I have printed in capital letters are underlined in the original. The account of the work done here by Miss Hannah More and her sister must be left for another day. Some allusion to it will be found in Hannah More's life and correspondence, published in 1834, and also in a smaller book called Mendip Annals, published in 1859. From the number of those who signed the resolutions it is evident that the School met with a good deal of opposition. Miss More attributes most of the opposition to John Barrow. Mr. Bishop, the Vicar, did not reside here, and I don't think came here very often. But this attempt made by others to do a little good in his parish seems to have fetched him in both senses of the word. He came and signed. Mr. Eyre, the Curate, was spoken of by Miss More the year before this as "our fast friend." But the fast friend seems to have allowed himself to be frightened, and so he too signed. No. 106.-Jan. 5, 1800. We whose names etc. do consent and agree that Mr. Benjamin Andrews be applied to act for the expenditors of that inditement late on the hamlet of Cocklake, concerning the inhabitants of the hamlet of Crickham who have appealed to an order of Vestry for assessing and collecting a certain sum on the said hamlets to defray the expenses of the said inditement. And we the inhabitants of the hamlet of Cocklake do agree to defray the expenses of the said expenditors needful in all the above business. Witness our hands s George Tutton, William Pople, James Bartlett, the mark of John Amesbury, the mark of Martha Bishop. No. 107.-Jan. 31, 1800. We whose names etc, do consent and agree that the sum of 8 pounds be allowed to William Rickard in the Overseers accounts for expenses and collecting the Levari rate, entering the expenditure accounts etc. as per bill. E. Edwards, Churchwarden; Edward Batt, Robert Wiseman, Overseers. No. 108.-April 4, 1800. Resolved that the Poor of this Parish be relieved in the manner herein after mentioned. First that a man, his wife, & 5 children be allowed 1 bushel of wheat Winchester measure every fortnight at the price of 8 shillings per bushel; 7 P. of potatoes at 6 pence, & 4 lb of bacon at 6 pence. N.B. No child to be relieved above 52 years of age. And that other families be relieved in proportion as follows. That 6 in family have 3 pecks of wheat, 6 pecks of potatoes, and 3 lb of Bacon. That 5 in family have 3 pecks of wheat, 5 pecks of potatoes, & 3 lb of bacon. That 4 in family have 2 pecks of wheat, 4 of potatoes, & 2 lb of bacon. And that if any of those people in either of the above classes be found disposing the same; or found spending their money in any Publick house after 9 o'clock at night, such persons no longer to receive the benefit of this Bounty. John Barrow, E. Edwards, Churchwardens Robert Wiseman, William White, Gabriel Stone, Thomas Athay, William Stone, William Batt, Joseph Wollen, Stephen Champeney, John Norman. No. 109.-Jan, 1802. Agreed that the sum of two pounds, twelve shillings and sixpence be allowed in the Overseers accounts for entering and completing the Apprentice Scheme, and for entering the Apprentices that may be bound before Easter next. Paul Tyley, Joseph Wollen, William Batt, William Stone, John Glanvile, John Stone, Stephen Champeney, William Pople. No. 110.-Sept. 17, 1802. Agreed that William Gibbs be paid the sum of ten pounds for serving the office of Clerk and keeping the Church clean; viz, six Guineas for Clerkship, and three pounds fourteen shillings for keeping the Church and sconts clean. P. Tyley, Joseph Wollen, Churchwardens; William Brown, William Batt, William Barrow, William Pople. I suppose that the "sconts" is meant for "sconces," i.e. the brass chandeliers which, though their day for giving light is gone by, yet one is still glad to see them where they are. No. 111.-Oct. 15, 1802. We whose names are hereto set do consent and agree that the Churchwardens and Overseers do forthwith take such steps as the law directs to obtain the possession of the several cottage houses and pieces of land conveyed by John Thring and John Kellow Bracher Esquires to Mr. John Barrow in trust for this parish; and also to take other proceedings in law to obtain possession of late William Boyce's Garden plot adjoining Theale publick road now in the possession of William Seaman; and when possession shall be obtained the said Churchwardens & Overseers are by this Vestry authorized to make sale of the same in such manner as they shall think advisable. And they are hereby further authorized to treat with George Millard for the purchase of his house and Garden late Boys adjoining the Vicarage House and garden for the reception of the said poor, and to take down the present Poor house adjoining the road (nearly in ruins) and remove the old materials to said George Millaid's house; and in case of their not purchasing the same, to endeavour to purchase some other house for the Poor, or to purchase a piece of ground and remove the materials of the said old Poor house thereto, and erect necessary Apartments for the occcupation of the said poor. William Brown, William Stone, Thomas Athay, William Pople. We have already seen one long fight raging over these Poor houses for 30 or 40 years; the latter part of this resolution is the first stone thrown in a new fight, which also is to last for some years. In each case the resolutions of one Vestry are rescinded by the next. George Millard's house and garden, late Boys, adjoining the Vicarage Garden, was not bought for a New Poor house, but still remains the property of his representative, Mr. J. B. Millard. What was done will presently appear. No.
112.-June 26, 1804. At a Vestry held pursuant to
notice given in the Church the Sunday and Sunday senit before for the
purpose of taking into consideration the state of the Poor house presented
as out of repair at the last Epiphany Sessions held at Wells; Resolved
unanimously that the aforesaid Poor house be immediately put in compleat
repair, and that Mr. Edward Edwards (being present and having assented
thereto) be appointed to superintend the repairs, employ workmen, and
order and inspect into all the materials necessary for the same. Ordered
that the said Mr. Edward Edwards be reimbursed his expenses out of the
Poor's rate. And that Mr. Melliar be employed to apply to the Court
of Quarter Sessions for a respit and whatever might be further requisite
to prevent any future law expances. J. D. Parsons, Gabriel Stone, William
Barrow, Benjamin Tyley, E. Edwards, William Batt, John Norman, Stephen
Champeny, William Brown, George Green, William Norman, Simon Tincknell,
John Stone, John Sprake, Edward Counsell, Joseph Redman's mark, John
Carver, William Pople, George Day's mark, George Gast's mark, William
Banwell, John Day, Abraham Dyer, Benjamin Banwell, Henry Harvey, John
Wall, William Seaman's mark, John Champeney, John Taverner, Michael
Duckett, David Morgan, George Comer's mark, John Glanvile. The following extracts refer to the house mentioned in this resolution as "lately pulled down." They are from the Overseers' accounts for 1804-1806. Pd. James Larder for pulling down the old Poor house, £8..8..0. Pd. Aaron Wall and Hugh Weaver for 9 days work at the Poor house, 18 shillings. Pd Aaron Wall and Hugh Weaver for 17 days work riding out the foundation for the Poor house, 17 shillings. Pd. Aaron Wall and Hugh Weaver 13 days sorting the rubbish of the Poorhouse, and 38 1/2 days diging out the house at 10 pence per day, £2..2..11. These fellow workmen, Aaron Wall and Hugh Weaver, both lived to a good old age. Ten pence a day did not shorten their lives. Perhaps, ten pounds a day would have. Aaron died in 1817, aged 92 years. (or 95 I think it should be, and Hugh died in 1830 aged 89 years. No. 114,-May 30, 1805. Resolved that the Churchwardens and Overseers do erect a building or house for the accomodation of the Poor agreable to a plan and estimate now produced; wherein one room is to be appropriated as heretofore to use of the Parishioners for holding vestries and transacting all parochial affairs, and that the same be immediately built with substantial materials and on the site of the Poor house lately taken down. Ordered that the Churchwardens and Overseers do make a rate at 1 shilling per pound to defray the expenses of the aforesaid building. P. Tyley, Churchwarden ; J. D, Parsons, Gabriel Stone, T. Knyfton, Stephen Champeney, Edward Counsell, George Green, Simon Tincknell, Robert Wiseman, George Gast's mark, William Banwell, William Redman, E. Edwards, John Carver, Benjamin Banwell, John Taverner, John James, David Morgan, George Taverner, George Comer's mark. As both the notices and entries of Vestries always distinctly say that the Vestries were held in the Church, I imagine that this Vestry room in the Poor house was only used for those monthly Vestries which were held to give relief and to order what was wanted in the Poor house. At this time, there being no Board of Guardians and no Relieving Officer, the Vestry and the Overseers did everything. The following extracts from the Overseers' accounts for 1806 show that this resolution was not only carried but carried out. It did not remain a dead letter as some of the resolutions did. Paid John James in part of his bill for building the house £99..10..0. Paid John James do do £60..10..0. Paid John James do do £20. Remainder of John James bill for building the new house £105..1..9. No. 115.-May 23, 1806. At a Vestry held to take into consideration the propriety of repairing the road called Blakeway drove leading from Hangward door to Blakeway bridge; It is the opinion of this meeting that the road in question is a private drove way and not a publick road, and that any presentment or inditement hereafter to be preferred should be resisted. J. D. Parsons, Thomas Athay, E. Edwards, William Stone, William Barrow, William Brown, John Stone, John Stone jun., John Carver, John Cook, William Redman, Benjamin Banwell, Michael Duckett, Thomas Stephens, William Adams, Edward Counsell, James Petheram. No. 116,-Aug. 29, 1806. Agreed that Butley stone be prepared for the steps up from the Churchyard into the poorhouse also a fire stone in the Vestry room, and a stone at each door against the road. Paul Tyley, E. Edwards, John Carver, James Tucker jun. No. 117.-April. 28, 1807. Agreed that the Doctor be allowed 20 guineas for his salary per annum in case no amputation takes place or operation where two surgeons are required Paul Tyley, Churchwarden; E. Edwards, John Stone, Simon Tincknell, John Glanvile, John Carver. No. 118.-Sept 18, 1807. Agreed that the Parish house at Blackford be put in convenient repair, and that the expence incurred be allowed in the Overseers' account. Paul Tyley, Churchwarden William Tyley, Jonathan Wall, Overseers; E, Edwards, This house is described in No. 247 as being at Beggars' Batch. No. 119.-Dec. 4, 1807. Agreed that Benjamin Millard do serve the Office of Sexton in the place of Edward Sweet during the will and pleasure of the Churchwardens, Overseers, and Inhabitants of the said Parish. Paul Tyley, William Brown as proxey for Joseph Wollen, Churchwardens; William Tyley, Jonathan Wall, Overseers; Simon Tincknell, William Brown junior for himself, do for William Brown, do for George Sprake, do for Abraham Dyer. Edward Sweet had just been promoted to the office of Clerk. Apparently voting by proxy was allowed. No. 120.-March 1, 1808. A Vestry meeting held to take into consideration the best means of discharging the Melitia Bounties; and other matters. Notice is given to the Parish of Huntspill that the parish of Wedmore will appeal against the Justices' Order for the removal of John Curry from Huntspill to Wedmore. Joseph Wollen, Paul Tyley, Churchwardens; George Champeny, Overseer. No. 121.-June 26, 1810. At a Vestry meeting held for the purpose of making a rate for reimbursing money due to Messrs. Edward Counsell and William Adams, Surveyors of the Parish roads within the Parish of Wedmore; Agreed that a rate or assessment be made on all lands, tenements etc, within the Parish after the same manner as the rate was made for new making Gilehole road at double the value amounting in the whole to £100. John Barrow. Gilehole, more accurately and respectfully called Guildhall, is, as its name shows, an historical bit of the parish which one would like to know more about. No. 122.-July 13, 1810. Ordered that the vestry Clerk do make an alphabetical reference to accompany the plan of this parish, and that the Overseers do pay for the same at a subsequent Vestry. Joseph Wollen, John Norman, William Wiseman. No. 123.-Jan. 27, 1812. At a Vestry meeting held in the Parish Church for the purpose of appointing a Committee to ascertain the Vicarial Tithes that each farmer ought to pay the Vicar from Easter next We whose names etc. do nominate and appoint John Barrow Esq., Mr. Edward Edwards, Mr. Joseph Wollen, Mr. John Tucker and Mr. William Batt jun. for that purpose to adjudge and determine what shall be paid for the calf, potatoes, agistments, and other Vicarial tithes, and we do hereby agree to pay the same accordingly. John Barrow, E. Edwards, Joseph Wollen, John Tucker, William Redman, William Taverner Jun., William Wiseman, John Taverner, William Norman, David Morgan, Edmund Banwell, John Banwell, William Adams, John Bartlett, William Reeves, William Banwell, Edward Duckett, Benjamin Banwell, John Carver, John Millard, James Clarke, Daniel Borrow, Thomas Stephens, George Harvey, Robert Banwell, Robert Millard, William Bunn, William Taylor, George Gibbs, William Rickard, John Mapstone. No. 124.-Feb.
28. 1812. At a meeting of us the undersigned Committee appointed to
ascertain the Vicarial Tythes that each farmer ought to pay the Vicar;
We do adjudge and determine that each individual render to the Vicar
or to his agent a correct account of all his Vicarial Tythes and Moduses,
and that an allowance be made the Farmers of the value of two calves
for every five acres in Wedmore moor, the like for every seven acres
in Tadham moor (adjoining the River Brue), the like for every eight
acres in Tadham moor lying on the north side of Tadham moor ditch, and
the like for every ten acres of pasture ground lying on the south side
of the said ditch, and so in proportion for greater or lesser quantities
of land. That 3s. 6d. be paid for the agistment of an ox. 3s. for the
agistment of an heifer. 2s. 6d. for the agistment of a cow. 5s. for
the agistment of an horse or colt if kept and departured on the tytheable
land. That 20s. per acre be paid as a Composition for the tythe of potatoes,
and so in proportion for a lesser quantity. That 1/10 of the money arising
from the current price of clover seed be paid. That 6d. be paid as a
composition for the fall of every pig. That 3d. be paid as a composition
for the tythe of every goose. That 1/10 of the current price of honey
be paid the Vicar. And we recommend that a similar allowance (as above
specified) be made the farmers for their calves which may fall on lands
in the Parish of Mear and other places in their respective occupations.
John Barrow, Joseph Wollen, John Tucker, William Batt jun. In consequence of this protest made by Mr. Edwards and of dissatisfaction felt by the parish, another agreement was drawn up and signed by all five of the Committee. It merely substituted 4, 5, 6, 7, acres for 5, 7, 8, 10, in the allowance to be made by the Vicar. No. 125.-Sept. 28, 1852. Agreed that the apprentice scheme be compleated, and that seven guineas be paid to William Rickard for compleating the same, to be allowed in the Overseers' accounts, and that one guinea per annum be allowed for keeping the apprentice account in future. W. B. Cattell, Curate; Joseph Wollen, Gabriel Stone, E. Edwards, William Batt. No. 126.-April 19, 1813. Agreed that the Bellman's salary be advanced to £1..11..6 per annum. Also that Mr. John M. Tucker be employed to measure the publick roads in this parish, and estimate the probable expense of keeping the same hereafter in repair; also to apportion the lands for supporting the said roads in eight several hamlets, and make his report at a Vestry to be holden on July 20 next, as the Boundaries on the plan now produced are not approved. W. B. Cattell, Curate; Joseph Wollen, John Norman, John Barrow, E. Edwards, John Glanvile, Arthur Phippen, William Chapman, George Taylor, George Duckett, Joseph Brown, Robert Phippen, Thomas Stephens, James Durston. No. 127.-Easter Monday, April 11, 1814. Agreed that John Rickard be appointed Vestry Clerk for the ensuing year. J. Richards, Vicar; W. B. Cattell, Curate; John Norman, William Barrow, Robert Giles, John Glanvile, John Barrow, George Sprake, John Carver, William White, Edward Brown, E. Edwards, Joseph Brown, Thomas Stephens, Arthur Phippen, John Browning, John Wiseman. No. 128.-July 1, 1814. We the undersigned think it best not to appeal against the order for Elizabeth Tutton to be brought into this parish from Biddisham. E. Edwards, John Glanvile, George Sprake, Arthur Phippen, James Banwell. No. 129.-Nov. 18, 1814. At a Vestry held in the Parish Church to consider the case of Joseph Hill now in gaol and his distressed family, the majority is of opinion that the family of Joseph Hill should be maintained during his confinement, and that means should be taken to consent to his having a license for his house called the Bell Inn, and that soon as such license can be obtained the Overseers do pay such sum as may be necessary for his liberation on consideration that in future he conducts himself in a decent and proper manner. William White, Churchwarden; Benjamin Tyley, Thomas Stephens, Overseers; William Barrow, William Stone, Edward Brown, William Reeve, Abraham Dyer, Arthur Phippen. The Bell Inn is now Mrs. Cock's shop and the Post Office. Some day, I suppose, the George and the Swan will likewise both be converted. No 130.-March 3, 1815. At a Vestry meeting held in the Parish Church of Wedmore to consider the ill state of the Poor houses, the notice delivered to the Churchwardens and Overseers by John Barrow, Esq., J.P., respecting the dilapidated state of the houses provided for the use of the poor and of the bedding and other things there provided for the poor, and of his intention to certify to the next General Quarter Sessions of such houses, bedding, etc., in order that the Sessions may make such order as shall seem meet; and the said John Barrow having summoned the said Churchwardens and Overseers to appear at the same Sessions to answer his complaint the above-said notice and summons having been fully taken into consideration, Resolved unanimously that the Churchwardens and Overseers do take such steps as shall seem proper to defend themselves and the Parish against such complaint; and we do hereby authorize them to take such steps accordingly. William White, Benjamin Tyley, Thomas Stephens, E. Edwards, William Barrow, John Duckett, Henry Harvey, John Glanvile, George Clap, John Poole, John Stone, James Durston, John Wall, John James, Abraham Dyer, Jeffery Harvey, David Morgan, Arthur Phippen, John Taverner, Richard Banwell. It is evident that these Poor houses were in a most disgraceful state, and it was creditable to John Barrow that he should have taken the steps he did in the teeth of a large majority of the Parish. The nearness of his own house to these Poor houses, and the dignity of a Justice to which he had just been promoted, probably made him move in the matter. The Quarter Sessions were held at Wells on April 7, 1815, and made the following order, which was copied into the Parish Account book by John Rickard, Vestry Clerk. I have shortened it. This is not the first time that the Justices had to interfere. See No. 112. Whereas John Barrow Esq. J.P. hath certified to the Justices assembled at this Quarter Session that he did on Feb. 15 visit two houses kept for the Maintainance of the Poor of the Parish of Wedmore, and did certify that one of the said Poor houses situate at the West end of the Churchyard was in a very dilapidated state and totally unfit for the reception of the Poor; that one of the rooms on the ground floor of the said house in which one or more poor families were usually placed has no window; that the floors of the said house are quite out of repair; that the upper part of the said house consists of four rooms; that there are entrances to these rooms by steps on the outside from the Churchyard; that these rooms are not ceiled but open to the roof; and that the poor people dwelling therein are greatly exposed to the inclemency of the weather; that the whole of the walls and every other part of these rooms are in a very dilapidated state; and that the whole of the building appeared not only unfit for the reception of the poor, but the walls and roof appeared so decayed and defective as to be in a dangerous state; And that all the wash and filth of the House is thrown into the Churchyard or street; And he did also certify that the other house kept for the Poor situated opposite the Vicarage House was not in good repair though capable of being easily repaired; that all the wash and filth of the House is thrown into the street to the great annoyance of the Public; that the beds and bedding provided for the Poor in both these houses were in a very bad state, some without beadsteads and some without a sufficient quantity of beadclothes; AND whereas the said John Barrow hath caused the Churchwardens and Overseers to be summoned to appear at this Session to answer this complaint; Now this Court having heard the Parties doth order the Overseers to repair the said Poor House situate at the West end of the Churchyard, that new floors be laid, that all the rooms be ceiled, that a new roof be placed, that new bedsteads be provided, and all the beds washed. No. 131,-May 19, 1815. The (above) order of Court having been taken into consideration, Resolved that the Churchwardens and Overseers do forthwith employ proper persons to make an estimate of repairing and rebuilding the Poor house situate at the West end of the Churchyard as specified in the said order. Joseph Wollen, William White, Benjamin Tyley, John Glanvile, Anthony Thomas, William Barrow, George Clapp, Robert Giles, William Pople. No. 132.-June 30, 1815. At a Vestry held for the purpose of taking into consideration what method may be best for repairing the Poorhouse, Resolved that the Overseers do forthwith pull down the Poor house at the West end of the Churchyard and rebuild on the same scite it now stands, and they are hereby authorized to employ persons to give estimates of the said building, and contract with such person for rebuilding the same. W. B. Cattell, Curate; William White, Churchwarden; E. Edwards, John Glanvile. Mr. John Barrow does not sign this resolution. He evidently wanted to get the Poor house moved right away from his gates to another site altogether, near somebody else's gates. Mr. Cattle, the Curate, was so weak as first of all to vote for it, and then a month or two later to vote for its being rescinded Mr. Richards, the Vicar, lived at Bath, but he came over to attend the next Vestry. This resolution applies not to the Poor house facing the Vicarage, which John James had rebuilt just 10 years before, but to the one that looked up the Blackford road. That part of the resolution which ordered it to be pulled down was promply carried out, as the following agreement will show. That part which ordered it to be rebuilt on the same site was rescinded at the next Vestry. See No. 133. It was never rebuilt at all. Memorandum made July 5, 1855, between Messrs. William Batt and George Sprake, Overseers of the Poor, and John James, of this Parish, carpenter; the Overseers do hereby contract and agree with the said John James for the taking down the Poor house at the West end of the Churchyard (the Western wing only excepted), the materials to be disposed of as follows. The tiles of the said house are to be carefully taken down and placed by themselves, the stones by themselves, and the timber piled by itself, and all to be brought into the Churchyard and placed in such order as not to impede the erection of a new house or the passengers to and from the Church; and the said John James doth hereby agree to take down the said house and dispose of the materials as hereby directed, and lay the earth in a heap by itself, for the sum of £8, and complete the same in one month from now. No.
133.-Sept. 26, 1815. At a Vestry meeting held in
the Parish Church for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety
of rescinding an order of Vestry of June 30, and to authorize the Parish
Officers to remove the Poor house which lately stood at the West end
of the Churchyard to a more convenient situation, and to authorize them
to contract for the purchase of premises for that purpose; Ordered that
the Order of Vestry made on June 30 last be rescinded. J. Richards,
Vicar; W. B. Cattle, Curate; Joseph Wollen, John Barrow, John Norman,
John Glanvile, George Duckett, George Champeney, Edward Brown, James
Toogood, Robert Giles, William Adams, the mark of John Biggin, Anthony
Thomas. As those who protested against the rescinding of the previous Vestry Order were far more in number than those who rescinded it, one does not see how it was done, unless they were fetched in too late to do anything more than protest. The bulk of the Parish, headed by Mr. Edward Edwards and Mr. White, had been in favour of leaving the two Poor houses in the state in which they were. But the Quarter Sessions having driven them from this position and compelled them to do something, they are now in favour of rebuilding them on the old site. The minority, headed by Mr. John Barrow and Mr. Joseph Wollen, and with such occasional support as Mr. Richards living at Bath could give them, were in favour of finding a new site altogether. The battle was evidently a very hot one. The resolutions passed and then rescinded, the protest, and the long lists of names of those present, show it. In the summer of this same year, 1815, another hot battle was fought with other weapons and in another field, and the field on which it was fought was called the field of Waterloo. No. 134.-Oct. 25, 1815. At a Vestry Meeting held to take into consideration the accounts of John Barrow and Joseph Wollen, Overseers of the New highways within the said Parish, the accounts having been produced by said John Barrow, and in consequeuce of the very extended state thereof, it was agreed by the Majority of those present that the said accounts with the Vouchers shall be referred to the examination of Messrs. Edward Edwards and William White, and that we will abide by their opinion and decision thereon; and we authorize the said Edward Edwards and William White to appear before the Magistrates at Langford on Monday next to support any objections they may think necessary to make to such accounts, and also to object to any new rate that may be applied for by the said John Barrow and Joseph Wollen if the same shall appear excessive to them. Edward Edwards, William White, William Barrow, William Pople, George Clap, John Stone, Abraham Dyer, Jeremiah Wall, Joseph Parker, mark of David Morgan, John Taverner, Isaac Fisher, George Banwell, John Barrow, William Gibbs, mark of James Larder, mark of John Higgs, Charles Parker. In this matter of the Highways the same parties will be found opposing each other as in the matter of the Poorhouses. The John Barrow whose name is under this last resolution and in the protest is of course not the Justice, but a cousin who, I think, lived at Cocklake. He was a son of William Barrow, who was the Justice's uncle. Father and son, who always went against their kinsman, the Justice, died in 1803, within three weeks of each other. It was in the middle of all these dissentions that the Peace which followed the battle of Waterloo was celebrated, and there was a great dinner on Lascotts Hill, and nearly all forgot their quarrels for a whole day. See Memoirs of the Rev. W. White, p. 61. No. 135.-Dec. 6, 1815. At a Vestry meeting held to consider the best method of employing the labouring classes of the Poor, as many of them at this time are out of employ and must have some relief Resolved that the Overseers do make up the deficiency of maintaining the famileys in portion (proportion) to the number in each, that each labourer to be allowed to work for the farmers at ten pence per day if the farmer chose to employ them until Candlemas next. E. Edwards, John Glanvile, Edward Brown, John Barrow, George Clapp, William Gibbs, mark of George Gibbs, George Davey, mark of John Biggin, John Taverner, Joseph Parker, David Morgan. It is very easy to see this now, though, perhaps, they did not see it at the time; viz., that if a man works for wages which are not sufficient to enable him to keep his family, and that if those wages are supplemented and that deficiency made good out of the Poor rate, then the man who is really receiving the Parish money is not the labourer but the farmer who employs him; and if that farmer is thereby enabled to pay a higher rent than otherwise he would, then it is not the farmer who is receiving the Parish money but the landowner. And I expect that during the last century all the owners of land in the Country, all the nobility and gentry, were in very truth on the Parish, though not down in the lists of registered Poor. It is good sometimes to try and see things as they really BE, and not merely as they are called or supposed to be. I suppose that they could not see this at the time; they were too close to it; but now to anybody who looks it is plain as a pikestaff. No. 136.-May 17, 1816. We whose names etc. do consent and agree that Mr. Arthur Phippen do receive the sum of 50 guineas for his medical attendance on the Poor for the present year, midwifery included, caresultyes excepted. Joseph Wollen, William Barrow, William Reeve, Edward Brown, Richard Baker, Anthony Thomas, George Clapp, John Green, James Banwell, Abraham Dyer, James Toogood. No. 137.-Feb. 28, 1817. Agreed that Hannah Barnes, daughter of William Barnes, be bound an apprentice to Mary Morgan, wife of Jeremiah Morgan, Mantua Maker, until she arrive to 20 years of age, with premium of £16, to be paid by instalments. Joseph Wollen, George Sprake, Edward Edwards, John Glanvile, George Clapp, Arthur Phippen, William narrow, James Toogood. No. 138.-April 27, 1818. Ordered that George Millard be appointed as Vestry Clerk and to teach the Poor children for the ensuing year, and that the School be kept at his own house. Joseph Wollen, Edward Brown, John Carver, George Duckett, John Norman, Robert Giles, Anthony Thomas, George Champeny. No. 139.-June 27, 1818. We agree that the Overseers shall employ the poor labeurers who may apply to them for work on the Parish roads, quarry stones, break and spread them, and may also employ such labourers. to dig turves for the Register Poor and benefit of the Parish, and shall be authorized to pay them out of the Poor rates, and shall be also authorized to pay for the Carriage of stones for the said roads. Edward Edwards, Joseph Woilen, William Batt, George Sprake, John Millard, George Clapp, William Pople, John Barrow, Arthur Phippen, William Gibbs. No. 140.-Sept. 15, 1818. Agreed that the Numerical Terrier he examined, and that the Alphabetical Terrier be corrected by George Millard, who is to be remunerated for the same at a subsequent Vestry. Joseph Wollen, Edward Edwards, John Glanvile, Arthur Phippen. No. 141.-Dec. 1, 1818. Agreed that John Vowles be taken before the Magistrates at Cross on Dec. 7 next, and examined respecting his settlement. Joseph Wollen, E. Edwards, Arthur Phippen. No. 142.-Jan. 6, 1819. Agreed that an appeal be entered at the ensuing sessions against the order of removal of John Vowles from the Parish of Meare. Joseph Wollen, John Barrow, Anthony Thomas, Arthur Phippen. No. 143.-May 4, 1819. Agreed that Benjamin Rickard be appointed vestry Clerk for the ensuing year, and to collect the rates and to pay the Poor; and that the undermentioned people be proper persons to form a Committee to regulate the Poor's Rate, and to examine the Overseers' accounts monthly, and that any five or more of them be empowered to act as a Committee. (Then follows 15 names). W. B. Cattell, Curate; E. Edwards, John Wall, Joseph Parker, George Clapp, John Carver, George Champeny, William Pople, George Millard for William Barrow, for Edward Brown, for John Taverner, for George Tyley. No. 144. May 14, 1819. This meeting was held to regulate the Poor's Rate, or to equalize the assessment of the Poor, and the above Committee were requested to attend. It was adjourned to the School room to examine map and books. It was again adjourned to May 19, to meet at 9 am, and then again to May 26. No. 145.-July 7. 1820. Agreed that Benjamin Rickard's bill for attending the (above) Committee and for making a New terrier be allowed. W. B. Cattell, Curate; Joseph Wollen, Edward Brown, Edward Edwards, John Norman, J. D. Middleton, William Taverner, Arthur Phippen, Anthony Thomas. No. 146.-Dec. 29, 1820. A Vestry meeting held to consider of a presentment found against the inhabitants of this Parish at the last General Quarter Sessions for not repairing a certain part of the common and publick highway, in length 1 1/4 mile and 154 yards, and in breadth 40 feet, from the North side of a certain bridge over the public watercourse called Hangway door otherwise Blakeway bridge unto the eastern side of a certain other bridge lying against the Parish of Mere at a place called Richard hayes' Cottage; And to determine whether the same presentment shall be defended or otherwise. Ordered that Mr. Richard Baker do attend at the next Quarter Sessions and do plead Guilty to the above presentment, and take the necessary steps to get the Levari respited. And that Mr. Robert Giles, solicitor, of Blackford, be employed to conduct the business, and he paid the necessary costs. Joseph Wollen, Edward Brown, Churchwardens John Millard, John Barrow, Anthony Thomas, John Wall, George Brown, William Taverner. No. 147.-Feb. 9, 1821. Ordered that a rate of 6 pence in the pound be made and collected by the Vestry Clerk and that he do pay over the Monies to Robert Phippen Esq. and Mr. James Banwell, the Expenditors appointed by the Court of Quarter Sessions, and that they be requested to expend the some in the repairs of the above road, in order that the indictment may be taken up at the next Sessions. John Millard, Overseer; John Glanvile, William Reeve, Robert Giles, James Banwell. No. 148.-April 27, 1825. Agreed that Benjamin Rickard be continued as Vestry Clerk and to make the rates at £2 each rate, and 2 guineas for giving out the cole, and 3 guineas for transcribing the accounts per year; and to attend Sundays to keep the accounts; and also that the Overseers be allowed ,£4 for collecting each Poor rate. Edward Edwards, John Barrow, Benjamin Tyley, Joseph Brown, Anthony Thomas, John Durling, B. Rickard for John Taverner, for John Higgs, for Solomon Wall, for William Redman, John Wall, John Millard, George Brown, John Clark, James Baker, William Gibbs, Arthur Phippen. No. 149.-July 13, 1821. Agreed that the action brought by one Thomas Knight against Mr. William Reeve late Overseer be defended at the expense of the Parish, and that said William Reeve be authorized to continue Mr. Robert Giles to appear for him as his attorney. John Barrow, Arthur Phippen, George Champeny, Joseph Brown, John Millard, John Green, John Champeny. No. 150.-Sept. 22, 1825. We whose names etc. do agree in the Choice of Mr. Edward Edwards and Mr. William Reeve as fit persons to serve the office of Surveyers of the Highways for the Parish of Wedmore, and in the allowance to them of £20 for their trouble for the year ensuing; and we do recommend them to the Justices for their appointment. John Barrow, Edward Brown, John Clarke, William Pople, Joseph Brown, James Toogood, William Wall, Robert Tucker, George Tyley, William Gibbs, John Wall, David Morgan, John Biggin, William Redman, Edward Toogood, James Banwell. Mr. Edwards died within a year of his appointment. He had for many years been a regular attendant at Vestry Meetings, and in the payroom of the Poor house when orders had to be given.